Bedford’s high street, while charming, once echoed with the emptiness of vacant shops. In July 2023, however, a vibrant force emerged – Pride of Place (POP) Bedford. This ambitious project, spearheaded by artist and producer Talia Giles in partnership with Bedford Creative Arts, aims to revitalise these spaces with transformative pop-up art installations. More than just aesthetics, POP Bedford fosters community engagement, artistic expression, and celebrates the heart of Bedford. From Vacant Storefronts to Creative Hubs:The project kicks off with a strategic partnership with landlords, acquiring unused shop units for temporary transformations. Each space becomes a canvas for local artists, offering them exposure and a platform to showcase their diverse talents. From photography and visual arts to installations and interactive experiences, the possibilities are endless. The inaugural iteration, aptly named “POP Bedford,” occupied a former Virgin Media store for six weeks. This pop-up creative hub pulsated with activity, housing artist studios, workshops, and a welcoming gallery space. Visitors mingled with artists, participated in open studios, and immersed themselves in the creative process.

A Kaleidoscope of Artistic Expressions:
Since its launch, POP Bedford has curated a collection of captivating pop-up exhibitions. “This Is Bedfordshire,” the final event of POP Bedford, showcased a retrospective of works created during the project, offering a snapshot of the artistic diversity and community spirit it fostered. Following its success, POP Bedford’s creative energy continues to ripple through the town. Here’s a peek at some current installations:

“Art on the High Street”: “POP Art” is an initiative using vacant window space to feature a revolving display of works by local artists. Passersby can embark on a self-guided art walk, discovering hidden gems tucked away amongst familiar storefronts.

“POP Studio 4”: Occupying a former Upper Crust unit, this space serves as a studio for artists-in-residence. The ground floor functions as a working studio, offering visitors a glimpse into the creative process. The first floor houses an office space, further strengthening the project’s connection to the artistic community.
“5D The Arcade”: In January this year, whilst searching for a premises to house POP Bedford, Talia Giles managed to self-fund a temporary shared studio space along with three other artists in a large, long time vacant first floor office unit.
Building Bridges with the Community:
POP Bedford goes beyond art installations; it fosters community engagement through workshops, events, and educational initiatives. Schoolchildren participate in art workshops, local businesses collaborate on projects, and residents contribute their ideas and stories. This inclusive approach ensures POP Bedford reflects the spirit and diversity of the town itself.
The Ripple Effect: Impact Beyond Art:
POP Bedford’s impact extends far beyond the realm of art. It breathes life into vacant spaces, attracting footfall and injecting vibrancy into the town center. This, in turn, benefits local businesses, boosts the local economy, and fosters a sense of community pride. Additionally, the project provides invaluable opportunities for local artists, promoting their work and nurturing their creative careers.
Looking Ahead: A Sustainable Future for POP Bedford:
POP Bedford’s initial success has fuelled enthusiasm, paving the way for future endeavours. The project continues to secure partnerships and is vurrently exploring funding opportunities to ensure its long-term sustainability. Plans include expanding the number of pop-up art installations, incorporating more interactive experiences, and hosting larger-scale events that draw visitors from afar.
So, next time you find yourself wandering the streets of Bedford, keep an eye out for the POP Bedford signs. They beckon you to discover hidden artistic gems, engage with your community, and witness the transformative power of art.
The Latest Exhibitions
Looking for the latest information about what’s on at POP: Bedford. Head over to their listing and click on “Activity” to see the most up-to-date information!